Welcome to our new Rotary Year and the Magic of Rotary!
This year brings many new things in store- are you ready!?
The Magic of Rotary is a fun Presidential theme that is perfect to help spread the magic of Rotary all around us. Whether it is volunteering at a service event, or attending one of our club meetings, I hope that you feel the energy and enthusiasm of our members.
This year is all about the member experience. We want to make sure that each member is getting what they want out of their membership- whether it is serving others in the community or helping with local projects or networking at a social event, what is your purpose of being a member of RAH? How can our club help each member have the best experience this year and beyond?
We hope that newer members will take time to join a RAH committee and share new ideas and help share the magic of Rotary. We have many upcoming meetings, socials and service events that should appeal to all members. Please update your calendars from our club website so you don’t miss out!
When at our club meetings, my ASK is that you welcome new faces. Please go up and introduce yourself and get to know those attending for the first time. We all have been there before and attending our first meeting not knowing anyone or maybe a few can be intimidating. We want everyone that comes to RAH to feel welcome by our positivity and energy. Our new member mentor program is a great way for club members to help introduce a new member to the Rotary experience. Please consider being a mentor and sharing your knowledge of Rotary.
RI President Stephanie Urchick reminds us that you create the magic with every project completed, every dollar donated and every new member.
This year, my hope is that our club continues to grow in membership, serve others in the community and globally and spreads the love of Rotary in the La Crosse area. In an ever-changing world, we need Rotary to be Irresistible. How can you help RAH to RAHk and be simply Irresistible?
See you soon to spread more Magic!
Stefanie Kline
RAH President 2024-2025