We'd like to recognize James Murray, our February Rotarian of the Month!

James joined After Hours on November 19 of 2019 and has been engaged and a real asset to our club ever since. He attends nearly all of our RAH events, socials and volunteer opportunities!
  • James organized a bike ride social 
  • He hosted virtual trivia this past fall 
  • He was a big help with Ugly Sweater, being in charge of the volunteers and spending many hours volunteering himself
  • He is a strong contributor to The Rotary Foundation (receiving his +1 already)
  • If asked, he always seems willing to help, like his devotion on our Strategic Plan writing team, our upcoming beer social fundraiser and signing up for multiple days to deliver Mobile Meals!
Whether it's volunteering, helping with fundraisers or coming up with new ideas for the club, you can always count in James to be there lending a helping hand. We are stronger because of him and his commitment to service above self.
Thanks for all that you do for Rotary After Hours, James!