Ho Ho Ho! Calling all elves! Christmas is nearly 100 away, which means our Ugly Sweater 5k planning is well underway!
Mark your calendar for Friday, December 4th and Saturday, December 5th. You read that right... Not one, but two nights of twinkling festivities!

The Ugly Sweater 5k is Rotary After Hours' largest fundraiser of the year. Proceeds raised help us support our community and international projects throughout the year. Projects such as buying tools to do Hixon trail work, purchasing The Good Fight van, contributing to Razia's bus, buying The Parenting Place diapers and wipes and providing clean water filters for kids in Mexico. None of these would be possible without the success of our Ugly Sweater 5k!
The event will look a little different this year to ensure the safety of our participants and volunteers during COVID-19. We need all of our members' help to make this year's Ugly Sweater 5k another great event! Help is needing with: following up with sponsors, spreading the news about the jolliest run/walk in town, and volunteering at the event. Watch for future emails and be sure to tune in to upcoming meetings where we will share more about this year's event.
If you're interested in joining the Ugly Sweater committee or have questions/ideas, please contact Ashley Santolin (asantolin19@gmail.com).