2020 was an unusual year and our Ugly Sweater 5k was no exception!

COVID-19 forced us to hold a virtual event and true to 2020 style, if something could go wrong... it did. Our lights on the marsh frequently malfunctioned, we unexpectedly lost some volunteers to quarantines, COVID tests, and injuries, and we even lost the keys to one of our UTVs! Despite all the difficulties, we were able to spread holiday cheer and raise funds for local and international charitable projects. We saw many ugly sweaters and masked faces on the marsh trails that we assume had smiles underneath. We exchanged many well wishes with race participants and we even received some generous donations! Thank you to all of our club members, participants and volunteers that made the best of an imperfect situation! We look forward to a more “normal” 2021!
2020 Ugly Sweater 5k by the numbers:
  • 230 registered participants
  • 100 new and improved poles to hang lights on (Thanks Brandon!)
  • 70 volunteers
  • $16,000* in income ($11,200 in sponsorships)
  • $6,400* in expenses
  • $9,600* net total