Exciting News! An International Project is in the Works!
At our club's strategic planning session in 2020 (and in subsequent work sessions with members of our club,) it was determined that we wanted it to be one of our goals to do a Global Grant project every 3 years. International is our last name after all!
For the past few years, $5,000 raised from every Ugly Sweater 5k has been set aside to help offset the hurdle of raising a large sum of money to fund an international project. Our RAH Foundation Committee led by Sierra Lyon, has been working really hard over the past year to identify our next global grant project. This started in 2021, by sending a survey asking YOU what Rotary Area of Focus and what part of the world we should do our next international project in. RAHtarians spoke and said either a clean water & sanitation or a mother & children's health project in Central America.
There have been several projects explored over the past year. A lot of research, meetings and conversations have been had by our Foundation Committee and others, and a clean water & sanitation project in Matagalpa, Nicaragua in partnership with the Rayo de Sol has risen to the top, providing/purchasing systems that would collect and sanitize rainwater for local families. There is an endless need for these. The community is at a very high point where it is nearly impossible to drill wells. It is a very dry area over half of the year, and during this time, women and children spend hours a day walking to collect clean water. The systems we could provide will be life-changing for these families.

Our collective goal would be to raise enough money to provide 100 clean water systems for families in immense poverty.
Each system costs $775, so the total budget is going to be over $77,500.
RAH members on the project committee (Sierra, Josh, Dean, Nathan, Ashley, Steph D) are proposing a contribution of $10,000 from club funds.
Other area clubs involved include Downtown, East, and Holmen and they will all make financial contributions to the project as well.
Matagalpa is the local club in Nicaragua.
Together, we can make a greater IMPACT and CHANGE LIVES!
Q: I missed the meeting where Sierra presented more on the project, where can I find the recording?
A: She shared details about the project at our August 22nd meeting (minute 12:50) and you can find her PowerPoint here.
Q: Would I have the opportunity to travel down to Nicaragua to help/assist/see the project in action?
A: Absolutely! We hope to have a group from RAH take an international trip down there. We may not be hands-on with the water system installations but certainly, there are opportunities for other work to be done
Q: Is Nicaragua a safe place to travel to?
A: That was one of the criteria outlined when selecting our next international project. Currently, it is safe to travel to Nicaragua however this could always change in the future.
Q: Do we have to raise money for this project? Am I going to be asked to personally contribute to it?
A: We have sufficient money in our account and no fundraising will need to be done to make a RAH commitment of $10k
If you have any further questions or concerns regarding moving forward with this project, please reach out to Sierra, Phil or anyone from the Global Grant Project Committee no later than end of the day Monday, September 18th.
It is because of all of YOU that we are able to do great things and change lives - for our neighbors at home and for our friends we may never know across the globe.
Thank you RAHtarians!