Rotary's mission puts a big emphasis on volunteerism, which is paying dividends according to a new study.
At the August 24 RAH meeting, President Brandon Harris mentioned a recent Rotary International news article that shows just how important the idea of Service Above Self is financially. From the RI article:
"That Rotary members log a lot of volunteer hours should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with the organization. But a new report just released by Johns Hopkins University provides a powerful look at the impact of all those volunteer hours.
The special report prepared for Rotary International by the Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies found that Rotary members had volunteered a total of 5.8 million hours within a four-week survey period. Extrapolating those results over an entire year, the report gave a conservative estimate of nearly 47 million hours of volunteer effort generated by Rotary members in a typical year."
To read the full story on the RI website, click here.