A Look at RAH Membership Trends

Membership growth is the engine that powers the vehicle of Rotary. Growth of our members is important because new ideas and new interests reinvigorate the club – bringing in new energy and future leaders. 

Our Rotary After Hours club has seen a gradual decline in Membership since the 2018-19 Rotary Year, when we had 81 members. We currently have 53 active members. 
Rotary International survey data shows that the main reasons people under the age of 40 is due to a life changing event (work, move, relationships, children), club environment, cost or time constraint. 
For members 40 to 60 it is often due to cost or time constraints, club environment, or unmet expectations. 
Your Board of Directors has worked hard to keep costs at a bare minimum for members. 
Your Membership Committee is asking for ideas on how we can make our club environment even better and ensure we are exceeding everyone's sexpectations. We need your help to grow our club membership. Please reach out to our club President or the membership committee if you have questions or concerns about your membership and what RAH can do for you.
Unlike many Rotary Clubs, After Hours has always had a healthy balance of men and women. We are currently at our lowest number of male members (23).
Those ages 30-39 represent the largest cohort of Rotary After Hours membership. 
The asset of each Rotary Club is its members. Who is responsible for Membership Growth? The answer to this question from Rotary International is “Every Rotarian”. 
Can we grow the diversity of our club? Are there certain business sectors that aren't currently represented in our membership? 

The Future of Rotary is in your hands …. Share the gift of Rotary, invite a friend.